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Frequently Asked Questions
Where is our beef butchered?We use two state inspected Butchers, located in the Flathead Valley, who offer exceptional service: Lower Valley Processing 2115 Lower Valley Road, Kalispell, MT 59901. Phone: 406-752-2846 Vandevanter Meats 180 Trap Road, Columbia Falls, MT 59912. Phone: 406-892-5643
When is the slaughter date?Slaughter dates will vary, however, no earlier than December and no later than April. Meat will be available for pick-up less than 3-weeks after slaughter date. The Butcher will call you to set up a pickup appointment.
How will I know when the slaughter date will be?The butcher will contact you within a day of the slaughter date. At this time, they will walk you through choosing the cuts that you prefer.
When do I pay the balance of the cost and to whom?After your initial deposit of $200 (per 1/4 pound), balance of payment due is based on the order volume. Steer weight is measured 'on the rail'. Final cost is: $4.60 per pound which includes: $3.60/lb (meat)+ $1.00/lb (cut and wrap fee). You will be contacted by the butcher and/or ES Ranch after slaughter with the weight of your steer. Deduct your deposit payment from the balance due and remit payment as follows: 1) On online portal Square pay link (within 10 days of slaughter) OR 2) Pay by check by mail (within 5 days of slaughter) Eric Casazza PO Box 918, Eureka, MT 59917
How much does an average quarter weigh on the rail?It varies, but a good rule of thumb for the weight of 1/4 steer is around 200 pounds 1400-pound steer on the hoof (live weight) becomes 800 pounds ‘on the rail’ (post-slaughter); before cutting up into steaks, burgers and roasts. Processing is based ‘on the rail’ weight. Beef Cuts are dependent on customer preferences, with cuts averaging: 50% ground beef and 50% specialty cuts. Some customers choose to purchase more than a ¼ steer, however E S Ranch does not sell less than a ¼ steer.
What is an average estimate cost for 1/4 beef all in, including the $200 deposit?Total cost will vary and depends on the size of the steer. An average 1/4 steer weighs approximately 200 pounds on the rail and is priced @ $4.60/lb. (on the rail) = $920.00 (estimated total cost)
Do I have to pay a slaughter fee?ES Ranch pays the slaughter fee.
Compared to specialty cuts, how much hamburger will I get?This will vary depending on the cuts requested by the customer, however an average is: 50% hamburger & 50% specialty cuts.
How do I know that I will receive my meat this season? ie. did I get my deposit in on time?Beef orders will be secured based on the date that the deposit was received online, or by the date the postage was received containing the deposit.
How can I pay for my deposit or my remainder?Deduct your deposit payment from the balance due and remit as follows: 1) On online portal Square pay link (within 10 days of slaughter) OR 2) Pay by check by mail (within 5 days of slaughter) payable to: Eric Casazza, PO Box 918, Eureka, MT 59917
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